You are the owner of every privately-owned asset in the world.

Ekim Kaya
Ekim Nazım Kaya
Published in
2 min readMay 10, 2022


Please make sure that you read the following first:

The religion of “YOU”

- You are the owner of every privately-owned asset in the world.

- Every building you see around you, every car, every store with every item inside, is yours.

- Not just those, but also the ones in other cities and countries that you’ve never been to. They all belong to you.

- Think about that for a while. How do you feel?

- This will be an exercise we’ll practice on a daily basis.

- You might have heard of the law of attraction or even might have tried to manifest things.

- The LoA is great, but it contradicts the way the subconscious mind works.

- When you want something from “the universe,” you’re subconsciously confirming the lack of it.

- A sense of lack goes hand-in-hand with fear. And fear is your biggest enemy.

- The main function of your limbic brain is not to make you successful or rich. It’s to keep you alive.

- It performs that function by preventing you from doing things that you haven’t done before.

- The reasoning is the following: “If you keep doing the things that you’ve always been doing, you will stay alive.”

- So, a statement such as “I have ten million dollars in my bank account” triggers fear.

- Your subconscious knows that you have to do different things to get different results. And since cruising in uncharted waters doesn’t feel safe, it prevents you from leaving your comfort zone.

- You don’t take action to change your life. Not because you don’t know what you need to do. Not because you’re lazy. But because your mind is a powerful trickster.

- That’s why the LoA doesn’t work for most people. You need to feel safe while you’re manifesting things.

- You are the owner of every privately-owned asset in the world.

- This looks so far-fetched that it’s not easy to wrap your head around it.

- Since you can’t easily assign a monetary value to the accumulation of all these assets, it doesn’t scare you.

- Yet if you can see it as a game and play with it long enough, you will naturally internalize the feeling of wealth.

- Here’s an example: As you walk down the street, you see a homeless person. You walk up to him and say “I’m giving you the building right behind you. It’s all yours. Do whatever you want with it.”

- Or you meet a young person, fresh out of college, struggling with paying off her student loan. You hand her a million-dollar check and walk away.

- You literally have the power to change the lives of millions of people. Have fun and feel good using your new superpower.

- Since you don’t “need” anything, you don’t lack anything either. There’s no fear. Only a sense of vast abundance.

- I’ll be covering the details in the next episode.

